There’s nothing better than basking in the warm glow of the summer sun, allowing your skin to soak up all that golden goodness. Sun-kissed skin mixed with outdoor activities, cold drinks, florals, and hours splashing around in the pool makes these the best days of our lives.

The one problem? Oily skin. As the heat intensifies, our skin reacts to the humidity by producing more sebum in the sebaceous glands. In simpler terms, too much of this makes our skin’s surface increasingly oily. For some, the change may not be as drastic as it is for others, causing those people to perhaps become more conscious of their appearance.

If you notice these patterns in your skin when summer rolls around, fret not! Even if you think you’ve tried every trick in the book to rid yourself of this issue, there are probably more methods that you haven’t even thought of.

Together, we can dive into various ways to tackle your summer-caused oily skin during these heat-intensive months. These techniques range from natural products to chemicals and even cosmetics. So, get ready to say goodbye to excessive shine and hello to fresh, glowing skin!

1. Stay hydrated

One of the most important actions you should take throughout the summer is keeping your body hydrated. In theory, the more we hydrate ourselves, the more the water and oils in our skin become balanced, leading to lower oil production.

Hydration can come in many forms. One is drinking plenty of refreshing fluids to prevent our bodies from drying out. Other methods include moisturizing daily. Opt for an oil-free, lightweight moisturizer that is non-comedogenic and specifically formulated for oily skin.

Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains moisture, providing hydration without greasiness. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer around twice daily after cleansing to keep your skin hydrated and balanced!

2. Cosmetic clinics

Anothe effective option is visiting a cosmetic clinic. When seeking professional assistance for managing oily skin and addressing specific skincare concerns, cosmetic clinics offer a range of options to explore. Some examples of these may be facials, chemical peels, minimizing pore size, performing lasers on your skin, etc. The sheer amount of options is impressive and may ease your mind about having them performed on you, as you can pick and choose what you are comfortable with!

Some may seem more intense and invasive, while others are non-invasive. Book a consultation with a professional and discuss the best step in your skin journey. After completion, you may very well notice that the cost meets the expectation of the result!

3. Blotting paper

An incredibly useful product in the market today is blotting paper. This is exactly what it sounds like! When you notice your skin producing too much oil, whip out a piece of this paper and blot the oily surface with it by gently pressing the sheet onto the shiny areas of your face.

The benefit of blotting papers is that they are incredibly convenient to carry around, so you can easily access them anytime. Furthermore, when used gently enough, they will not mess up any makeup on your face if you are wearing any.

4. Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen is a year-round essential, whose importance becomes more prominent during summer. Many people with oily skin skip sunscreen, fearing it will make their skin greasier.

However, unprotected sun exposure can stimulate oil production and lead to more breakouts. Choose a lightweight, oil-free sunscreen with at least SPF 30, as this will work to shield your skin from UV rays. You can pair your sunscreen with your moisturizer and makeup products.

Be generous when applying this to your body, and aim to reapply it every two hours. While this may seem excessive initially, its results will surely show you that it is not!

5. Pick the right cleanser

Another wise tip in the battle against oily skin is to choose your cleanser wisely. Products that may work on others may not be suited to your skin, so a trial and error method may need to take place to find a cleanser that works for you.

In general. However, Opt for a gentle, oil-free facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients effectively cut through excess oil and unclog pores, helping to prevent breakouts. Wash your face twice daily with lukewarm water to remove impurities, sweat, and excess sebum. Avoid hot water, as it can strip your skin of essential moisture, causing it to produce even more oil. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel, and be careful not to rub too harshly, as this can stimulate oil production.

6. Exfoliate

Exfoliation combats oily skin effectively by removing dead skin cells and unclogging your pores. You can exfoliate your skin using an exfoliating wash or a loofa over your body! Be careful to act gently, as excessive and hard rubbing can irritate your skin and further oil production.

In addition to this, you should also be cautious of how much you exfoliate. Overdoing it will result in similar results. Hence, try exfoliating around two to three times a week.