The causes of shoulder and neck pain are varied and may not be from trauma; it could be something as simple as poor posture or bad sleeping positions from the day before. Chronic pain can be exacerbated by working at a desk for long periods or accidentally jerking your neck the wrong way. The symptoms often go away independently, but we would love to speed up the process.

Despite this, sometimes we are just unable to reach a professional. Whether you do not have the time or are out of your budget, it is always a good idea to have some home remedies for your pain. At the end of the day, though, we recommend you seek professional neurological physiotherapy services if your neck and shoulder pain is debilitating or unrelenting.

Let’s learn how you can alleviate your pain from the comfort of your own home. Here are the best home remedies for neck and shoulder pain:

Remedy #1: Take a break

Rest is one of the most highly-rated remedies for neck and shoulder pain. Choosing to work through the pain and putting yourself through strenuous exercises will only aggravate the injury, worsening your symptoms and your pain.

Taking it easy and giving yourself a few days off from sports, working out, and other intense exercises will give your body the time it needs to heal. When you do choose to return to your activities, be cautious not to overexert yourself.

Remedy #2: Heat and cold compacts

If your neck pain results from injury or trauma, reduce inflammation for the first couple of days post-injury by applying a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area. For the next couple of days, apply heat using a hot compress.

If your neck pain is brought upon by poor posture or anything unrelated to an injury, we recommend skipping the cold compress and heading straight for the heat. You could also alternate between the ice and heat treatments twice a day.

Remedy #3: Stretching

Have you heard the saying that if you stretch correctly, every movement you make will become easier? Well, we believe wholeheartedly in that. While you take some time off from aggressive exercise and workouts, we recommend you continue lightly stretching your neck and shoulders to help ease your symptoms. Try rolling your shoulders back and forth for a stretch targeted towards shoulder pain and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

To deal with your neck pain, move your ear slowly to touch one shoulder, then move it slowly to the other by moving your head from side to side. When stretching, avoid sudden motions that can aggravate your pain.

Remedy #4: Gentle massage

gentle massage can loosen up muscles that may be stiff and sore. You can massage the area yourself or ask someone around you to help: your spouse, kids, family member, or roommate! Of course, you could always opt for a designated massage therapist, but that wouldn’t be a home remedy, now would it? A gentle rub of the area, pressing firmly but gradually into the tissue, can relieve the knots you harbour near your neck and shoulders.

You could try using a tennis ball if you choose to massage yourself. We know it sounds unconventional, but it is a great way to access harder-to-reach muscle groups like the shoulders. Use the floor or wall to roll the ball between your body and a surface to get into the muscles.

Remedy #5: Neck pillows

As comfy as it is, sleeping on your stomach is the worst position to spend the night in. As we mentioned before, rest is one of the most important components of healing. Getting a comfortable night of sleep can do just that for you! One of the potential reasons for neck pain is poor sleeping, putting unnecessary amounts of pressure on your neck and shoulder. Try sleeping on your back instead; it puts less strain on the neck and shoulder.

If you simply can not sleep on your back and prefer to sleep on your side, you can opt for a special neck pillow. These pillows are not hoaxes— they help align your head, neck, and spine. For chronic neck and shoulder pain, try investing in a firmer mattress. Proper alignment can work wonders for your pain!